Evolution of Call Centers: Now and Then
Call center outsourcing has taken a major shift. It is no more that ages old service that only takes calls and content with customer satisfaction. They are marking their presence in every field now. Be it call center services, technical support or web enabled services. They are tuning themselves to the new trend of industry. Evolving from mere lead generation support and customer service, call center services have lot more to them now- a better, brighter and promising future.
The advent and introduction of state-of-the-art techniques, quality assurance policies, wireless technologies and functionality has made outsourcing gearing up to new level of businesses needs and trends.
Gone are the days when business owners thought that call center outsourcing means compromised quality and never ending wait and excuses the deadlines. Here, comes a really pleasant surprise for you. Now, competitive prices meet excellent quality and strict parameters of time. Whatever you have been agreed upon in SLA, is bound to be completed within the given time frame and unmatched quality.
With web 2.0 offshore call centers have also understood that they have to stand up to the businesses that are meant for the generation that is of that level. These third party vendors implement all the networking techniques, enhanced technologies that can make the business processes far simpler and less expensive.
Offshore outsourcing centers are deploying web based technologies such as IVR, CRM and many more. With the help of technology, the work capacity has increased manifold. They can manage different processes simultaneously. Along with that they can optimize your marketing campaigns working hand in hand with traditional marketing team and convert it into an ideal lead generating machine.
What haven’t changed is their customer centric approach and services. Though, they are coming in better, improved and faster version of commitment to resolve the problems faced by customers. They are still 24/7 available whether its hot, rainy or snowy. You still save money and can focus on all the goodie goodie things to explore more about the market scene and business rather than worrying about how to satisfy customers or an internal software!
Maria Richards is one of the lead researchers associated with Call Centers India, delving into the realm of outsourcing call center and inbound call center to help them serve you better.She is working as a Sr. Marketing Manager and responsible for the handling of inbound call centers.